Saturday, September 7, 2013

What a week!

Sheesh! This week has been nutso!
Starting with a labor day pool party. Soo fun! 

throw in 2 nights of cheer practice, meet the teacher night, and a pep rally to kick off the start of football season! 

Add in 3 orders to do and it makes for a busy busy week! 
I can't wait for next week! So far I have done awesome this school year with waking up at 6 every morning to get the girls up and ready for school. Seventh grade has been a new time of hair washing and drying and straightening every day. This coming from 6th grade where she didn't even want to wash it every day. She has really grown up this year. Hopefully we can keep it up. 

And I have been exercising  every morning. (well almost). A group of friends and I meet at the local park to walk roughly a mile each morning. then the kiddos get to play together for a bit. 
Not much time for Stash busting this week hopefully next week will be better. (but probably not) LOL My mom is have surgery on Monday so prayers are appreciated.Then she will be home for several weeks of rehab. 

I am ready to start this busy weekend Everyone enjoy your day! 

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